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Hope Academy

Mission and Vision

Hope Academy exists to create and maintain a positive learning environment where academic and behavioral supports are provided for our diverse student body to achieve social, emotional, and academic success.

HIB Information 

2022-2023 HIB ABR Grade 

Hope Academy: 57 out of 78

NRESC District: 57 out of 78

Memo from NJ Youth 

Dear Local Educational Agency Lead Persons and Administrators of Nonpublic Schools,
The purpose of the New Jersey Youth Suicide Prevention Advisory Council is to examine existing needs and
services and make recommendations to the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for youth reporting,

Lead Testing 

The NRESC is committed to protecting the health of all staff and students. To protect our community and comply with Department of Education regulation, NRESC tested Hope Academy's drinking water for lead on

Hope Academy, a 6-12 alternative middle/high school program of the Northern Region Education Services Commission, offers a chance for success to the students of Passaic High School. It is our goal to provide academic course work, credit recovery and real world experiences to students who have not met with success in a traditional high school setting. A student to teacher ratio of 12:1 allows for more individualized attention to maximize student learning and provide tools to overcome their situational and environmental challenges that brought them to Hope. Hope Academy works in conjunction with students, families and the Passaic High School staff to create a network of support and multiple pathways to a diploma.

Hope Academy is committed to protecting the school community and has recently tested all drinking water supplies for lead.




